2 Cross cutting focus areas:
1) Health Disparities
2) Social, Economic, and Educational Factors That Impact Health. |
9 Infrastructure focus areas:
1) Access to high-quality Health Services.
2) Collaborative partnerships for community health improvement. 3) Diverse, sufficient and competent workforce that promotes and protects health. 4) Emergency preparedness, response, and recovery. 5) Equitable, adequate and stable public funding. 6) Health Literacy 7)Public Health Capacity and Quality 8) Public Health research and evaluation 9) Systems to manage and share health information and knowledge. |
12 Health focus areas:1) Adequate, appropriate, and safe food and nutrition
2) Alcohol and other drug use 3) Chronic disease prevention and management 4) Communicable disease prevention and control 5) Environmental and occupational health 6) Healthy growth and development 7) Injury and violence 8) Mental health 9) Oral health 10) Physical activity 11) Reproductive and sexual health 12) Tobacco use |